Remember Why You Started...
It all started about 3 years ago, I wanted to look into eating healthier foods. I wanted to understand what I was consuming in my body. I was tired of feeling tired. I was sick of feeling fatigued, and the only thing I didn't try to change was the food I was eating. A close friend and I decided to go to Whole Foods and try our first plant based meal. I couldn't believe how good it was.
I started my vegan journey in 2021. I looked for an alternative for meat, dairy, and wheat. The process wasn't as challenging as I thought it would be and this is when I discovered my LOVE for the various types of mushrooms that resembled a meaty texture.
I'm not sure when it happened but I came across a guy called Yahki Awakened one night. I stayed up all night and binged every single video he had ever made. I used to Major in Nursing and had taken every biology course there is. But when I listened to this man, I had never understood the anatomy and physiology of the human body more than we he taught it to me. I was intrigued and just started juicing everything. I felt like i had so much energy. My skin was clearing up and I wanted to share this knowledge with the world. So somewhere down the line I told myself I wanted to run a juice business and I wanted to give the information to the people in a way that they would understand and be interested at the same time. This is when Wet & Raw Juice Bar was born.